eAuctions: A Virtual Fireside Chat with Jacob Gorm Larsen
Join eAuction enthusiasts, Nick Drewe and Jacob Gorm Larsen, for a virtual fireside chat sharing their best (and worst) experiences with eAuctions.
Nick and Jacob are no strangers to the topic. Nick is Co-Founder and Director at Market Dojo, who’s flagship tool is based around eSourcing with eAuction functionality, and in his past Nick sold custom auctions for a boutique procurement consultancy. Jacob is Head of Digital Procurement at Maersk and author of “A Practical Guide to E-auctions for Procurement”, somewhat of an eAuction connoisseur.
The hosts will be discussing all things eAuctions in this informal webinar with no slides, product demonstrations or sales pitches, just an open discussion with plenty of time for audience interaction and Q&A.
9th June 2021 @ 2:00PM BST
Find out more and register