SIM Approval Categorisation
With the implementation of Custom Fields to SIM Dojo in late 2020, we are continuing to review how these would best be presented to make storing important data as easy as possible.
The latest step toward this is introducing the ability for hosts to complete the Custom Fields when they make the final decision for the participant. Admins have the choice, in SIM Settings; whether to trigger this new functionality, stick with the existing Participant Group assignment, or show both tabs.
We hope this makes the system more flexible than ever, as we know that some Custom Fields are populated with answers provided as part of the onboarding process, and that some procurement teams do not currently use the Groups functionality.
As our products grow, we aim to make user maintenance as simple as possible across our suite, ensuring that admins have clearly presented information on their users.
In July, we added better labelling against the Host Permissions entries, with Market Dojo and Quick Quotes licences well distinguished. We’ve also added additional information in instances where one licence has expired but not the other.
In the future we will continue to focus on this area, giving more control of licences to end users.
Copy Sandpit Events into Live
The Market Dojo sandpit is key to getting the best out of your sourcing endeavours, it provides real insight into what your suppliers will see when invited to your event.
To empower the sandpit, we have added a quick way of copying the event into the live environment at its conclusion.
On the auction tab, and coming soon in other locations, with a single click, the full event will be cloned into the live environment. With just the participants to add, you’ll be ready to go as soon as possible.
New Sign Up Forms
One of the major barriers to eSourcing is getting engagement from your suppliers. We would always encourage active communication to get them ready for an invite, and explain the process.
We are always looking for how we can remove any blockages participants face to make procurement teams’ jobs easier. One way in which we have done this recently is by altering the sign up process.
Users going to the sign up page will now be asked for their email address in the first instance, meaning we can direct activated users instantly to the login/reset password options. On top of this, we will no longer force unactivated users to reset their password, instead allowing them to recreate their account..
The Contract Dojo list view now has much better performance, with testing showing the page loading in 10% of the previous time
Contracts can now be assigned to the current user which was previously not possible
Names for supplier contacts against a Contract Dojo record can be added without the need for the user to sign up
Invite emails for Market and SIM Dojo have been improved so they display well in all email software, particularly Outlook
Where a SIM Dojo participant has uploaded new documents, the host will receive an email clearly distinguished from a questionnaire completion
The system will prevent SIM Participant owners from being deleted before the suppliers have been reallocated
SIM Dojo Custom Fields and Tags that are set to show in the SRM will display against the SIM Participant to prevent confusion
The New Event button on the main Dashboard has been moved outside of the widgets and is permanently available in the top left