New Release - March 2020

New Release - March 2020

To view the release information in full, and get a preview of what is soon to come, visit our blog.

It’s safe to say that March has not been an enjoyable month for anyone, in any part of the world. We at Market Dojo, all now working from home, have attempted to keep on as normal, and I’m incredibly proud of our development team for continuing to produce in these trying times.
Below are a number of changes we’ve been able to include this month.

You may have missed that we have provided a free Covid-19 RFI template within Market Dojo to try and mitigate some of your emerging risk:
If there’s any other way you feel we can help, please let us know.

Linking Questionnaire Deadlines

Questionnaire deadlines can be set to match that of the questionnaire above, meaning that value entry and any subsequent changes only need to be entered once.

Quickly Ending an RFQ

When an RFQ is underway for your Market Dojo event, from the drop-down actions in the top left an option can be seen to 'End RFQ'. On click, this will update the deadline of all ongoing questionnaires and RFQs to be the current date and time, effectively ending the RFQ.

Specifying SIM Dojo Approvers

When choosing an approval set for a participant in SIM dojo, you can now also choose if someone in-particular from that group should be responsible for this participant. Only the selected individual will receive notifications on required actions.

Document Library in Quick Quotes

Having previously only been in Market Dojo, hosts can now also call upon documents from the document library when creating a Quick Quote.

Notification Period for Contracts

In addition to setting a notice period against contract in Contract Dojo, you can now also specify when you want to start receiving notifications regarding the contract's expiry.

Other Changes

  • A host of new fields added to the API for Contract Dojo and host groups
  • ‘Add User’ option moved in host permissions
  • SIM participants with a previously invalid email can be reinvited
  • Notifications are now always sent when a SIM final decision is required
  • We updated some emails to be entirely in the user’s language
  • Vietnamese and Thai were added as language options
  • Searching available on MD event tagging