SIM Dojo Documents Tab Now Hideable
As our SIM Dojo users continue to move all of their onboarding processes around the world into the product, the number of documents required for participants to view has grown. In many cases there are documents shown that are not relevant to all suppliers; different languages, industries or risk.
From the SIM Settings page, hosts now have the option to hide this tab for all participants, reducing confusion on the supplier side.
There are many cases where you might want to issue permissions for just a single event for one of your team to view or edit. For procurement teams using long event names for tracking of sourcing projects it can be difficult to make sure you’re picking the right one.
We have now added the event ID when adding sourcing permissions to a user, so that the right event can be found quickly and easily.
For companies with the Display Setting ‘Make Event ID visible’ set to true, the ID will show against the event list and the Host Permissions screen
Other Changes
Questionnaires can be archived in SIM Dojo before the participant has completed onboarding
More than 2 questionnaires in Market Dojo can now have blank deadlines
Superhosts can delete Quick Quotes events for tidying up data
Improved the language selection to clearly show the full list of regions available