As we enter June and find ourselves firmly within the British Summer period, our MD Development team would love to report that they have been working hard, creating a plan to bring us nothing but sunshine until November. However, they have been far too busy making this months software updates a reality. Here’s what they’ve been up to:
Market Dojo User Experience Improvements
This month several enhancements have been added to our flagship eSourcing tool, to provide a slicker journey from setup to result.
- This has included multiple adjustments to the messaging within the product; the order in which they are shown, the ability to filter by participant and changes within closed events
- A sleeker design when reviewing questionnaire responses
- Configuration available determining how long completed events remain open
SIM User Experience Improvements
We’ve continued our work on the SIM on-boarding user experience; making a number of changes across the system to help day-to-day.
- Participants with expired documents are now displayed clearly on the Actions tab, and additional auditing is stored within the decision history
- Questions that are now shown to participants are now also hidden from scorers and approvers
- Hosts can view how a participant is progressing with a questionnaire using a percentage bar
Other Changes
- A 'Rejected' flag has been added to Quick Quotes to show those participants rejected in SIM
- New fields have been added within PowerBI integration
- Help Dojo has been updates with more guidance
- Simplified Chinese has been added as an interface laguage
- Password creation has been made simpler
To view the release information in full, and get a preview of what is soon to come, visit our blog.