Auction Info for Suppliers within Market Dojo
We know it can be difficult to engage your suppliers when moving away from the typical email and phone call systems they are used to, particularly so when seeking to use auctions.
We continue to seek ways to make the process as simple to understand as possible; with clean UI, live chat availability and usage guides.
For many teams it can be tricky to get everyone pulling in the same direction from the wider team; within SIM Dojo this could be for scoring, approvals or making decisions on suppliers.
We want to make it easier to understand where the responsibilities lie within your onboarding process and so the Document Reapproval Needed widget has been updated.
Whether you are new to Market Dojo, or looking to make the jump to auctions for the first time, it is nice to know where to start.
This will allow you to see what your real event might look like and to understand the impact different settings will have. You can even jump in as participant 3 to see what your suppliers will see.