Our Support stats from 2021
Here at Market Dojo we believe the support we offer ALL our customers and suppliers is world class!
2021 was another big year for our Support team and we thought we would share our stats with you - and we hope you agree they are world class!
First Reply Time:
Our First Reply Time for all tickets (24 hours a day and 7 days a week) was just 34 minutes!
This is quicker than an episode of Only Fools and Horses!
In 2020 this was 57 minutes so we have seen an improvement of 23 minutes for a first reply.
Average Resolution Time:
On average to resolve all tickets which have come through (24 hours a day and 7 days a week) was 2 hours and 2 minutes.
This is 3 minutes quicker than a flight from London to Barcelona!
In 2020 this was 4 hours and 34 mins, so an improvement of 2 hours and 32 minutes.
Customer Feedback
We also had a 95% 5* Customer Feedback on our live chat
If you ever need any support, we are always here to help! Please use our live chat, email
support@marketdojo.com or use our Help Dojo for help :)