Jacob is responsible for one of the most successful and award-winning eSourcing programmes in the world under his tenure as the Director of Digital Procurement at Maersk, and so has a huge wealth of expertise to share from his 10,000+ eAuctions.
The reason we share this with you is because Jacob and Market Dojo have collaborated to offer a unique proposition:
For the next 10 clients that purchase an on-demand eAuction with Market Dojo, we shall provide a copy of the book free of charge.
Anyone who takes up the offer will be equipped not only with the most practical eAuction tool in the market but also with a practical guide on how to master your eAuction strategy from one of the best in our profession!
Remember, Market Dojo costs just £500 for an eAuction and many clients have seen ROI of over 100x that investment.
We’ve read the book and trust us when we say that it will be hugely valuable for any organisation looking to take their negotiation strategy to the next level. With many supplier interactions now taking place digitally, and as many companies turn to Procurement to maximise value as a result of Covid, there has never been more opportune time to try new strategies.
If you’re sitting on the fence about giving eAuctions a try, or even if you’re sitting on a handful of offers from suppliers for a particular tender, give us a call today on +44 117 230 9047 or drop us a line on
info@marketdojo.com to boost your cost reductions by one of the most effective methods there is.