What are the SIM statuses and what do they mean?

What are the SIM statuses and what do they mean?

SIM Statuses

Suppliers in SIM Dojo are assigned a number of statuses in order to make it clear to the Host where they are in the process.

There are three important types of status that all users should be aware of:

  • Status 

  • Decision Status

  • Document Status

These statuses are clearly shown on each supplier record and the participant summary can be filtered by each. 


The Status gives a specific indication of how far through the onboarding process the supplier is. Each supplier’s status will automatically update as different tasks are completed by both the Participant and the Host. There are a large number of potential statuses, in order to make it clear exactly what stage the supplier is currently in, what actions have occurred and need to be taken, and whether the supplier may need to be chased.

To help with understanding, below the statuses have been broken down into those that sit with the supplier, those that sit with the Host and those that occur once onboarding has been completed.

Submission is with the Supplier

The following SIM Statuses refer to situations where the Host is waiting on the Supplier to complete an element of their submission. 

The supplier has been invited to participate in an onboarding event but has not yet accepted the invitation.

The supplier has received their onboarding invitation, created a Market Dojo account and clicked on the ‘Decline’ button.

The supplier has accepted the invite but not opened any questionnaire(s)

The supplier is working on their first attempt at submitting responses.

The supplier has previously submitted questionnaires but has been allowed to resubmit and is currently working on their updates

The supplier has not made any edits or additions to their submission within a time period selected by your organisation. The default length of inactivity before a supplier moves to this status is 6 months, however this can be configured by company within the SIM settings.

Submission is with the Host

The following SIM Statuses refer to situations where the there are actions that the Host must complete:

The supplier has submitted their responses but the scorer(s) have not started scoring yet.

At least one scorer has started to record their scores.

The supplier has submitted their questionnaires and scoring is finished (where relevant). At least one approval has not yet       been completed.

All scoring and approvals have been completed and the supplier is awaiting the final onboarding decision.

The supplier has been placed on hold by the Host and will remain here until the user takes them off hold.

Suppliers who have been invited using an incorrect email address or whose invite email has been blocked by a spam filter. For questions on suppliers with this status, please contact our support team.

Onboarding is Complete

The following SIM Statuses refer to situations where the onboarding process has been completed:

The supplier is fully onboarded.

After a certain amount of time supplier questionnaire responses are set to expire. The length of time questionnaire responses remain valid for and the amount of time before this expiration that participants should be notified are both configurable by company in the SIM Settings.

The supplier’s answers have expired.

The supplier has been rejected for onboarding.

Status Process Flow

Decision Status

The Decision Status is a more general type of status which indicates whether or not the supplier has been fully onboarded.

The possible Decision Statuses are:

The supplier has been invited to participate in an onboarding event but has not yet gone through the whole onboarding process.

The supplier has completed onboarding and has been approved.

The supplier has been rejected at the final decision stage.

The supplier has been placed on hold.

Document Status

One of the key benefits of SIM Dojo is that it allows you to keep track of supplier documents. For key documents, suppliers can be asked to provide an expiry date and they will then be reminded to provide updated documents as expiry dates are due to pass. The ‘Document Status’ refers to these documents and clearly highlights the suppliers whose documents are out of date. 

The possible document statuses are:

The supplier has been asked to complete a questionnaire that includes a document upload question with an expiry date but has not yet submitted their response.

The supplier has submitted a questionnaire which includes documents with expiries but they have not yet been fully onboarded.

The supplier is fully onboarded and all documents are up to date.

The supplier has submitted a document which is due to expire. The amount of time before this expiry that the supplier should move into this status and be reminded to upload a new document is configurable in the SIM Settings. The default is one month.

The supplier has submitted a document that has now expired.

The supplier has re-submitted a document after being reminded that a previous one had expired. For the supplier’s status to return to ‘Current’, they must be re-approved by all members of the approval set assigned to them and the final onboarding decision must be re-confirmed.

The supplier has not been asked to complete a questionnaire that includes a document upload question with an expiry date.

Document Status Process Flow