How to accept an invite to a Sourcing event

How to accept an invite to a Sourcing event

What is the issue you're facing?

A host has invited me to an event and I want to accept the invitation. How do I do this?


Please see below steps on how to accept invite:


On the invite email if you click on the below link: (WARNING - This is a one time only link, if you have previously clicked on this link it will not work a second time). You will need to sign up use the email address that was invited in order to access the event. 

You will need to either use the email address that was invited by the host.


If you are using a different email address to that which was invited you will need to use the invite code in that invite email once registered. You will then be need to be accepted by the host to the event.

If you request a password reset email ( ) and get yourself sent this email, this will bring you back into the loop of creating your account and accepting invite.

Once you click on this link it will bring you to a sign up page, please complete all details.

When you have filled it all the information required, click on complete sign up. 

After you click 'complete sign up', this will take you straight into your event invitations where you can accept/decline the event:


If you are already a registered user you can follow the link in the invite email, this will take you to a login page and then you can accept your invite by selecting the event name:

Before choosing to accept/decline on the dropdown:

Note: If you have registered and account and CANNOT see your invitation, please check that the email address you have signed up with matches that which was invited.
If not either join via the invite code in the original email, or ask the host to invite your newly registered email address.

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