Azure is Microsofts Cloud. Active Directory allows organisations to administer security centrally.
By integrating with Azure, users can sign on to Market Dojo using their Microsoft credentials. It helps IT teams to manage which users have access and is helpful when people join or leave their organisation.
The rest of this guide explains how to use Azure Active Directory with Market Dojo.
First of all, ensure that you have an Azure account.
Go to your companies Microsoft Azure Portal
Find the 'App Services', 'Manage Azure Active Directory' option and click 'View'
Click 'App Registrations' and add a new registration
Make a note of the Application and Directory IDs
Click on the 'Certificates and Secrets' option
Create a New Client Secret, make a note of the secret
Back on the overview page, edit redirect URLS and add a url with the following format:
(where <HOST> is the whitelabelled URL of the Market Dojo application e.g.
Configure Azure
Make any other changes to Azure Active Directory Registration which are required by your company
Login to your Market Dojo account
Go to the Admin>Integrations page
Click +Microsoft Azure Active Directory, and enter the settings you noted in the previous step
Logout of Market Dojo
Go to the login page (be sure to use your white label URL)
You should see an option ‘Sign in with Microsoft Active Directory, click it
If everything is configured correctly, you will be logged in